March 18, 2012

blur town

New York feels a little blurry these last few weeks. Running from meeting to coffee date to grocery shopping to proposal writing. Not feeling focussed. I had an astrology reading (yes, I did. And I loved it. Don't judge.) and was told I'm the kind of person who has a million ideas at once that end up all fighting each other and become hard to accomplish. Um, yeah. Thanks, Pluto and Jupiter for being where you were when I was born and for making my brain want to explode on a daily basis.

Time to start small. Make manageable lists. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Ha! We can try at least. Tomorrow I'm going to play with my nephew in the park and not worry about the rest of it. Even though I'll be going to see him straight from a meeting. Do what you can, right? Then get a massage and a tarot card reading.

*zinnias from last summer. Recently met with a friend of mine who has a livestock farm upstate and is going to experiment growing flowers for me this season. We tore through seed catalogues while our waitress poured us a couple glasses of wine. I did a lot of scribbling and starring of flower seeds that got me a little too excited. Over the moon about potentially growing our own persian carpet zinnias. Ambitious farmer friends are good friends to have. 

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