November 26, 2012


That amaryllis is called "Merengue." It makes me laugh to think of a sexy dancing amaryllis. I chatted up all my market peeps about this Merengue and now I'm set to take dancing lessons at 28th street wholesale some 6am morning with Ben as my teacher. 

It's amazing these relationships you develop. These people I see every week and their personalities and their roles in my life. I barely knew them a year ago and now they're such a part of my flower puzzle. This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for all of them. They make my mornings so much brighter and they really make me feel special. 

November 14, 2012

Checking in

What a crazy time these last couple weeks have been. It's been an emotional roller coaster to say the least. Things are "getting back to normal" as they say around these parts. You know how I feel about things "they" say. It's time to get back to routine, ride the subway, and enjoy our hot showers. But it's hard knowing that so many are still without. And so many don't have what they once did a few weeks ago to go back to. Just down the road from me, the neighborhood of Red Hook was hit really hard. A mere matter of blocks away and yet on my block business was back to normal and kicking the day after the storm. It's hard for me to wrap my brain around that discrepancy. But we do what can we can, I suppose. Learning about the difference between awareness and paralyzing empathy. It's tricky.